
Author Brain Ahearn is a Prolific Writer and Blogger.
You can experience his work on Amazon, LinkedIn Posts, and LinkedIn Learning Courses.

New Release

His Story,
My Story,
Our Story

Eternal Lessons of Fatherhood, Sacrifice, and Serivce.
By Brian Ahearn, CPCU, CMCT

His Story, My Story, Our Story is a heartrending tale that illuminates the stark realities of war, from the battlegrounds of Vietnam to the emotional frontlines at home.

Following a Marine veteran, the narrative intricately unravels his grapple with PTSD and the profound ripple effect it has on his family, particularly his son. Crafted from the personal wartime accounts of Brian Ahearn Sr. and juxtaposed with his son’s, Brian Ahearn Jr., candid reflections on growing up under the shadow of trauma, this story bridges two generations marked by war’s enduring scars.

The dual lens through which His Story, My Story, Our Story is told provides a first-hand account of war and its aftershock within a family setting. Through raw storytelling, it seeks to guide Marines in evading service-related pitfalls, fortify understanding between Marine families, and mend the delicate fabric of father-son relationships. 

Addressing the often unspoken emotional challenges faced by military families, this profound and insightful work serves as a healing blueprint for those navigating the intricate dance of love, duty, trauma and legacy, standing as a beacon of hope and resilience. 

Paperback $18.95

Experienced Author

Additional Works

Brian is the Chief Influence Officer at Influence PEOPLE.  
A Keynote Speaker, Trainer, and Cialdini Certified Coach & Consultant,
Brian helps clients apply the science of influence to improve business results.

Influence People - Powerful Everyday Opportunities to Persuade that are Lasting and Ethical by Brian Ahearn

Paperback: $16.48, Kindle: $8.49, Audible: $5.95

Persuasive Selling for Relationship Driven Insurance Agents by Brian Ahearn

Paperback: $16.99

The Influencer Secrets to Success and Happiness by Brian Ahearn

Paperback: $16.99, Kindle: $8.99

Buy a Complete

A complete set includes: shipping within the US, autographed copies of each book, a personal letter from Brian, and an Influence PEOPLE tip card.

Paperback Book Set $59.00

A complete set of autographed copies of Brian Ahearn's Books.